Friday 26 March 2010

Munch Invaders

The final game has been completed, after much tweaking and altering of the sprites in our discussions of how 'retro' they should look. However the game itself has come off really well and I really pleased with the outcome of Ricky's efforts. It's turned out better than I thought it would. To see/play the game and view the trailer follow this link:


So far the project has been really fun to explore, not only from an animation point of view but from a marketing and also a video gaming perspective. My area was the pre-production aspect of things but sadly our brief, that required us to use the existing Monster Munch characters, really didnt give me much room to exlpore via character designs. Having said that, however, I do feel I learned alot more about how the production pipe-line dictates the process of video gaming, for example the same thought process needs to be applied when creating the Monsters in their sprite form to imitate the 'retro' pixilated look. At first I thought it was a simple matter of making them and then lowering the resolution, but as we found out it required a much more complex approach. In my earlier brainstorming sheet I explored how 2D and 3D often mingle in their design processes, now I can add what I have learned via the video gaming process.

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