Thursday 4 March 2010

Monster Munch

The Brief:

"Get creative and raise Monster Munch’s profile among students!
The iconic Monster Munch snack was first launched in 1977, during the heady days of long hot summers, Raleigh Grifters, Choppers and BMXing, when wrestling was still cool and Atari was the ultimate gaming experience.
In 2007 the brand was modernized; the pieces themselves became smaller and the look and feel of the Monster Munch characters was changed.
It was quickly realized that some of the nostalgia and charm of the brand had been lost, and so 2008 saw the reintroduction of bigger pieces as originally launched in 1977, and a retro pack design featuring the ever-popular Monster characters.
People harbour fond memories of eating Monster Munch throughout the 70s, 80s and 90s.
Monster Munch is available in three distinct flavours; Roast Beef, Pickled Onion and Flamin’ Hot, all sold in 40g packs.
The Creative Challenge
We’d now like to turn our attention to a younger student audience, and put Monster Munch firmly on their radar.
We are looking for ideas that:
• Encourage students to make Monster Munch their number one snacking choice.
• Rekindle their memories of eating Monster Munch as a child in order to enhance the sense of nostalgia surrounding the brand.
• Draw upon the success of the iconic existing Monster Munch packaging.
• Present Monster Munch as an antidote to ‘gourmet chips’ and ‘boring’ crisps with its uncompromising flavours and satisfyingly jumbo-sized snack pieces.
Your ideas and creative concepts may take any form you like. As well as creative ideas and campaign concepts we’re equally as interested in the environments in which you think the target audience will be responsive to your communication. Traditional, or futuristic - how you approach this challenge is entirely up for grabs.
Take into consideration the scope university and college campuses have to offer; you may want to propose an on-campus event or a site-specific campaign.
Think big, but not big budgets! We’re looking for entrepreneurial ideas that can work hard and make the most of resources. How can we engage people in ways that are creatively and financially effective?
Target Audience
Students aged 18-24 for whom food is not a major priority; it has to fit in around a lifestyle of college and working part time, sport, drinking, clubbing, sleeping. They tend to snack rather than eat regular meals.
Where appropriate you may wish to include the Monster Munch logo in your work. This is available in the project pack at the YCN website. Additionally you may wish to include the Monsters too, but this is entirely up to you."

This is the brief Ricky and I have chosen to work towards. After initial discussions we both agreed to focus on a small part of its description of nostalgic influences, namely being 'Atari was the ultimate gaming experience.' It is from this we shall draw various ideas based upon the old video gaming nostalgia and link the history of the Monster Munch brand with it, ensuring that the target audience of students and younger people are aimed at successfully via the form of retro-style gaming, which in turn shall make the marketing campaign.

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