Friday 26 March 2010


Due to time contraints, and also for a more focused and relevant approach, we both agreed on the second idea as it related directly to the Atari video gaming in it's intirety, as the previous only revealed that theme towards the end. This was an Animatic that I put together which intends to realise how the advert might flow. Due to Ricky's progress in making the 'Munch Invaders' game it wasnt necessary for me to animate the game footage shown, as we plan to film it for ourselves as a non-scripted sequence. Instead the only real emphasis is the change from game footage to a scripted event that is strictly for the purposes of the trailer. In this case it was the product shot, that is absolutely key in all advertisements, that appears towards the end. The Pickled Onion flavour crisp packet lands ontop of the the Monsters in the last scene, with the potential to either hold that frame with a tag-line over the top or to cut away to the tag-line. My only concern is that the trailer might just look like prolonged video game footage and when the sight gag happens at the end the audience may have lost interest.

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