Thursday 4 March 2010

Monster Character Sheets

Although the monsters have already been designed I decided to do some draft character sheets of the monsters so I could get a feel for them. Above is the 'Pickled Onion' flavour monster, however the 'tail' behind him is never fully explained, is it a leg or a tail? I chose the latter for the sake of design.

The 'Flamin' hot' flavour monster carries unusual traits, four arms and a strange hat. However his form is easy to draw for he is mostly a rotund shape with 'added extras' stuck on after.

This is the 'Roast beef' flavour monster is my particular favourite for his aesthetic design adheres to the principles of animation wonderfully. His body form at the bottom is simple and does not require much movement, however the long and exaggerated neck and the elongated tongue adds to the humour of the character and are great focal points for animation.

Above is a sample of Rik's attempt to re-design the monsters into the 'atari' console limitations of graphics. I think it's come off really well, however he has found that when you shrink them to scale within the game screen the intentional pixilated finish ironically makes them look very detailed and 'modern', precisely the opposite of what we wanted.

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