Thursday 21 January 2010

Rountrees Advert

Unfortunately some of our group members lost contact with each other and we were unable to pull together all the elements that should have made for a complete advert, myself and Mark could not find out what became of the colour scheme designs but we did press on with animating by ourselves and this was what we made.

The plain green backdrop had a dule purpose, it was the colour of the park in which our story is set but also it was the distinct green colour ascociated with the Rountrees logo and particularly the Fruit Pastilles product. We initially intended to colour in the character but after looking back on my research into artists and film makers such as Quentin Blake and Grant Orchard we felt that we could really push the child like quality's of the drawings as if this advert was a doodle, a naive illustration. Although parts of it are very unpolished and I myself would have preffered to add colour and smooth the animation I think the point of our advert comes across quite well.


Working as a group so far has proved rather unsuccessful, for various reasons there was a lack of communication amongst us which lead to a broken design process however when we did pull together our work effort was very good and some of that can be seen in the final advert. I struggled to see where I could fit into this process as I was assigned to do the character designs and then no more was said, perhaps if more organisation was applied to our group we could have creativly pushed all our work. I suppose the purpose of 'group' projects is to give us a taste of what its like in the industry when collaborating with others however the format in which this course presents the module is rather poor, its pot luck if you end up with hard working group members and if you end up with those who are not motivated then your work quality suffers, in the real world it would be your job to work therefore a solid motivation is present in all workers. Sadly this project has not shown me anything about how to collaborate with others, the theory behind it may work on paper but in practise-it doesnt work! Maybe work experience IN the industry might truly show us how team effort is essential in the animation industry.

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