Tuesday 19 January 2010

Character Sheets

After agreeing upon the design of the outfits we eventually settled upon a modern jacket look to bring the grandaughter away from the cliche 'princess' look and more into modern fashion that can be seen today, ironically this was alot closer to my earlier sketches of the girl.

From the earlier sketches I polished and simplified the facial fetures of the Grandmother whilst being sure to include the important elements such as the pronounced chin, to enable strong chewing actions to be animated, black dots for eyes and basic circular shapes for her body in keeping with the influences of Grant Orchard.

The outfit on the Grandaughter gives her a slightly sophisticated appearance however when animating we will be sure to bring out the innocent elements to her character so as not be unfamilar with the target audience she represents.

I have incorperated some of the dress shapes from my research pictures into the young Grandmother's design. I did however simplfiy it significantly so as not to concern outselves too much with the details and to focus more on animating.

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