Monday 18 January 2010

Character Thumbnails

Based upon a loose idea of a tagline 'You just can't help but chew' or a variation of those words we created two characters, one being a granddaughter and the other being the grandmother. The setting is a local park and the pair of them are sat on the bench, the girl is eating Rountrees fruit pastels and the granny asks if she can have one, upon being given one and savouring the taste ( chewing element will be shown here) the granny has a flash back as she eats. She experiences a memory of herself as a young girl eating fruit pastels on the same bench and with a flash back to the present day she demands another sweet from her grandaughter in a rather comical way. Suprisingly the Grandmother's false teeth fly out and begin to 'bite' at the sweets in the girls hands causing her to run away with the chattering teeth chasing. The scene ends with a close up, again, of the fruit pastals left half open in the bench with the logo clearly visible and the tagline across the screen.

Below are some thumbnail sketches of both the grandchild and the grandmother in her youth, I tried to incorperate elements such as the black dots for eyes, simplistic dress sense ( to be researched into further) and child like proportions with large head and small limbs etc.

When it came to designing the granny we had to consider multiple things ranging from her body proportions, her hairstyle and the extent of which her age hindered her to comical effect etc. Below are some sketches that tried to visualise some of these elements. One part Im particularly fond of is the gurning chin look upon her face, a stereotypical image of grandmother's with false teeth. The group decided that they prefered the hair tied up into a bunch to be added to the final character sheets.

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