Saturday 16 January 2010

Advertisement Analysis

Our group was tasked with making an advertisement for Rountrees sweets. To start off with we looked at previous advertisements and made note of their catch phrases and seriel gags used throughout.

Their earliest one had catch phrases such as ' Only Rountrees Know how to get the best out of fruit' and their most famous one to date was 'I bet you cant...' where a child would challenge an adult, with some other impressive skill they would show off e.g Basketball skills, to put one of the sweets in their mouth without chewing and ultimately failing. This brings the element of chewing to the forefront and highlights the selling point. Their previous adverts can be viewed on their webiste:

Other adverts have used gags to help make their products memorable in peoples minds. A recent add from cadbury's chocolate used a Gorrilla who played the drums to a phil colin's song. The random humour that is applied to this advert causes people to talk about it, either loving or hating it is actually part of the marketing ploy. Another thing to note is the use of purple in the background, this makes the viewer aware it is linked to Cadbury's chocolate.

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