Thursday 21 January 2010

Line Tests

For the line tests we wanted to ensure that we understood the motion of chewing and how that might come across in our advert. I took some photos of myself acting out the chewing and picked out the key movements, from these three alone you could loop a crude chewing animation. From these we were able to make varied line tests.

This video was a short study of chewing with your mouth open and baring your teeth.

Although the fruitpastilles themselves are very small we wanted to really exaggerate the chewing motion and the bulge on the cheek as if this was something to really take your time eating. This line tests was made to see how the mouth would move and how much it was exaggerated, in the end this we felt it was almost right but needed to be exaggerated more.

In our storyboard we have a scene where the Grandmother's teeth 'jump' out of her mouth and start to snap at the fruitpastilles in the girl's hands. We needed to make sure we understood and had reference points for how false teeth moved and they might be animated in our advert. We made several line tests to show the 'gnashing' motion, the bounce and the pace. We found various useful videos on youtube to use as reference.

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