Friday 23 April 2010


In the life drawing session we were tasked with quickly drawing the posture of a figure which moved from various poses every few seconds. I realised here that my visualisation of the human form can actually delve into the shape and form of the human figure, as apposed to the line-work specifically.

Each sketch consists of few lines all made within a few seconds. I forced myself to leave the image once I had drawn it, despite the fact I had the urge to go back and 'correct' it.

This pose below is my favourite as once again I am forced to deal with forshortening, this time with only a limited amount of time to capture it via thick line work.
Here also, perhaps inadvertantly, there is a sense of perspective to this pose, almost as if the figure is looking down at us. This in a way actually accentuates the body language and the arc of his swing.

After studying these thumbnails I decided to put my observations to the test and scanned each image and compiled them into a very crude animation, just to see if the body language of each has some coherent fluidness to it.

This is abit crude, as I said, but I quite like the fact you can 'feel' the overall arc of the body via the four images. I seem to have exagerated the form of each, as I percieved it in my mind, and this has helped to make the action readable, even on this basic level. This goes some way to highlighting the importance of Exaggeration in Animation, and why it is one of the key principles.

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