Friday 23 April 2010

I really wanted to take this study of the orb one step further, and this ongoing visualisation project had really transformed into something beyond my intitial objective : Line work and the human figure. So for this experiment I wanted to take photographs of the marble under conditioned lighting. I set up the orb and my lamp and began to take several photographs as the lamp moved around, shifting the light source and the movement of the shadows.

In responce I went back to collaging and, once again, went down the simplistic route. I collaged the basic shades and tones in a crude manner and began to make a collage for each picture.

My intentions were that you could see the basic light source and highlight move around the collage, imitating in a crude manner the movement shown in the photos.

Its at this point the light begins to shift around and the shadow creeps up on the left. Also I gradually made both the dark and light blue highlight on the right side smaller and smaller form this point.

After completing each collage I decided to put the experiment to the test and made a short animation of each of the consecutive images.

Although, like all the previous ones, this is by no means a skillful piece of animation, I do think it goes someway to understanding the movement of light and shadow. The only true flaw in this is the fact the simplistic collage needs many more layers to really get across the subtle changes in tone and the nuances of light that reality gives us. To collage that would, frankly, be impossible.

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