Friday 23 April 2010

Less lines!

One of my noticible habits is covering my thumbnails in many lines, so these were an exercise in seeing whether I could capture a certain pose using less lines, and this time using a thick marker to ensure I had to be bold and just make the lines thick and fluid, without being precious.

This thumbnail is my particular favourite as here I have to deal with perspective and forshortening of the figure. This means I have to abandon any preconcieved notions of proportion and just draw the distortion that I see.

These thumbnails required me to think more about composition, rather than just the subject matter of the human figure, and being aware of the space in which it inhabits in your drawing. The architecture of the room can also help to compose the image correctly.

This one added abit more detail, though I seem to suffer from the over use of line work again with this one.

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