Friday 11 June 2010

Jack kirby

When discussing amongst the group about the potential outcome of this project, we eventually came to an agreement about the style we would be aiming for. I was tasked with looking back at the old school comic book genre, in this case Jack Kirby in particular.

One of the things I particularly wanted to look into was his use of panel layouts, which would help me in my storyboarding and compositioning of certain frames. I also like his simple linework, mostly being dictated by the block inking as aside to a huge amount of detail mostly seen in current comics. For purposes of making an animation it is essential to consider the principles and opt for something that caters for economy of line and speed.

Here is a good example of using wide shots for crowds, and how the environment can be used to draw the eye inwards to the focul point of the image. Often an invisible arrow can be traced by the mind's eye, a trick often employed by comic book artists and storyboarders who wish to alert the viewer to something specific in the scene.

I particularly like this bottom image, the dynamic and energy of the framing is superb, especially for its time, and is something that perhaps I can emulate in my storyboarding.

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